Abandoned wells can pose a health threat to you and your neighbors. If abandoned wells have not been plugged or capped, they provide a direct conduit for contaminated water to get into the aquifer. Also, if the holes are left open children and animals can fall into the wells. We urge all landowners to identify abandoned wells on their property and report them to the District. State law requires that any well open or uncovered at land surface be closed or capped.
When plugging an abandoned well, owners must meet the requirements of the Texas Water Well Driller’s Rules, and fill out a state plugging report. The well must have all pumps, piping, and obstructing materials removed, and the well must be disinfected before it is sealed. Information and forms for this procedure are available at the District office.
If wells are not plugged, they should have a cap capable of supporting at least 400 pounds. The cap should either be permanently attached to the casing or have a permanently attached pipe extending at least 3 feet into the well casing. The weighted pipe should be no more than 2 inches smaller than the diameter of the well casing, and the cap should be of sufficient size that no opening shows if it is shifted.
The District will contribute up to 100% of the cost of the plugging of the open or uncovered, deteriorated, or abandoned well, provided the well owner can supply sufficient written evidence of payment of those expenses, not to exceed $400 contribution by the District per well, on a first come – first served basis, as long as money remains in the budget for that purpose. If the expense is in excess of $400, the District will contribute 50% towards the amount over $400, up to a total cost of $750.00.
Example - Plugging costs $650.00. District reimburses $400, leaving balance at $250. We will reimburse 50% of the $250 for a total reimbursement of $525.
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For more information on abandoned wells, Please review this Information on plugging wells and also the Landowner’s Guide to Plugging Abandoned Water Wells
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